
This morning I was immersing myself in writings about CP by people with CP, and I was trying to find a blog I used to follow ‘Curing myself of Cerebral Palsy
I remember finding it very helpful, though also challenging as I did not see that as possible for me – and yet, imagine my surprise this morning finding that the blog author had been written about by Dr Karen Pape.
I must have dismissed it as being ‘not possible’ for me, rather like I dismissed Vibra-Train as ‘too much’ without actually checking it out further.
I am deeply concerned about the vibration machines available being directly ‘marketed’ to children with CP when they are not really the most appropriate machines, which then affects results, and the impression that vibration therapy can affect minimally at best – or, that really expensive machines are needed.

The information out there is overwhelming, which is why I find it helpful to read about other peoples’ experiences – even if at times it is challenging for me. CP is different for everyone, and it makes it difficult to truly share experiences and also be aware of what is different for people who do not have it, either.
I am still learning, and learning a lot.

I am sure that most people don’t like Vibra-Train when they first try it. The results may not have been as dramatic as mine were initially.
I am reminded of ‘it works if you work at it’ if you are using a machine that is capable of doing so, and in the right way for your body, taking into account how CP affects you.
Establishing key markers first, and working on proprioception.

I read a tribute to Oliver Sacks written by Dr Norman Doidge yesterday (the man who made neuroplasticity accessible to lay people) and he wrote about the importance of case histories, and how some research doesn’t have answers, often cannot be replicated, and from that I take that sometimes we need to go back to common sense.
Common sense. Not flashy marketing.

When I first looked in to vibration machines yes, I looked at flashy websites with impressive stats and info presented in a colourful eye-catching way, I read newspaper reports, and luckily I came across the information forum.
Not flashy, not particularly easy to read, though honest and very direct.
I have come across earlier things I have kept about vibration machines – I mention it to Lloyd and he reels off the story behind it. His knowledge and perspective is such a resource.
The CP community; and people in general who are serious about wellbeing and long-term health and independence are very fortunate. Sometimes it can be a challenge to discern the best path when you cannot see anything but trees, and yet having a guide with knowledge can really make such a difference.

2 thoughts on “Perspective”

    1. Hi Norah
      Thanks so much for making contact. It would be great to chat – what would be an effective way to do that?


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